And two, I have been absent for too long. Since my last rant, um, I mean message, I have recycled another 102 cans and have bags and bags sitting outside my back door. Also, I got a chance to attend Lilith Fair in Irvine. I never had the opportunity to visit the first Lilith Fairs in the ‘90s, so I really wanted to go to this one. While there, I saw the Reverb table. Reverb is a company that helps “green” music tours and festivals. I first heard of them when reading about the Barenaked Ladies Cruises. They did enough carbon offsets and recycling that the cruise didn’t actually have as much of an impact on the ecosystem. (Not sure how that works, exactly, but every little bit helps, right?)
But Reverb was asking people to make a pledge, so I made mine.
I actually made two – one, with my friends to “Reduce, Recycle and Reuse”
and the second, to “Work Towards a Sustainable Future.” I figured I was already doing these, so I might as well pledge it officially somewhere.

Other things I was able to do this week, I threw a baby shower for my best friend and since times are tight, instead of doing lots of flowers for the baby shower, I asked my neighbor if I could have some of the lemons off her tree. She says she had too many to use anyway, so we filled some old vases with lemons and tied them with pink streamer. How’s that for reusing? And we decorated with some old pics of the mom and dad to be as babies. More reusing—thanks for the old pics, grandparents to be.
And my husband found something else of interest—our trash service, Athens Services, offers an extra 90 gallon recycling bin free of charge! So, we asked them to deliver another one so I can recycle the shredded paper from my husband’s office and hopefully, whenever I get a job, I can recycle anything from there too (if they don’t recycle already). I also offer to recycle for anyone else who doesn’t have access. If you have Athens Services, call 888-336-6100 and they’ll bring you a free recycling bin. All you have to do is fill it with recyclable material!
I hope anyone reading can find a way to go even greener and keep on keepin’ on, as they say. Every day we get closer to our goal.
Grand can total: 2722.
Thank you to my brother, who is remembering to recycle and helping out his niece and nephew at the same time. (And thanks for the babysitting too, bro.)
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